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If you are looking for a job you can be proud of, you’ve come to the right place.

Passionate team

We want the people who work for us to get up in the morning with the feeling that they have a meaningful day’s work ahead of them. In our team, you can find experts who find fulfilment in their work and enjoy talking about it. We are all different, but we are linked by our professionalism and thirst for new experiences and knowledge. We are happy to welcome any talented person in our ranks.



We are looking for a doctor – ophthalmologist – for our team, to help us achieve our vision of providing patients in Slovakia with medical care that meets the demands of the 21st century: highly specialised, complex treatment in one spot, without any limits due to insufficient facilities, in comfortable, modern premises with a friendly atmosphere and a highly organised work structure focused on patient and employee needs.

What we expect
  • ophthalmology as a purpose in life
  • seizing opportunities for intensive specialist and personal growth
  • openness and willingness to work with new technologies
  • enjoying team work and sharing knowledge with colleagues
  • regard and respect for patients, even at the end of the working day
  • a vision of building “different” healthcare
What we offer
  • intensive support for your professional growth though training and practice
  • modernisation workplace organisation, focused on the patient and doctor
  • pro-client corporate culture, friendly atmosphere
  • latest technological equipment
  • fitting salary



For our ophthalmology outpatient clinic, we are looking for a nurse interested in professional and personal growth to work in a young team

What we expect
  • an active approach to work tasks
  • flexibility when carrying out work duties
  • openness and willingness to work with new technologies
  • enjoying team work and sharing knowledge with colleagues
  • regard and respect for patients, even at the end of the working day
  • a vision of building “different” healthcare
What we offer
  • systematic training with intensive support in the trial period, support for continuous internal and external education
  • opportunity for gradual growth and working within the clinic’s operating theatres
  • space for self-realisation in professional activities as well as activities linked to the operation and growth of the clinic
  • pro-client corporate culture, friendly atmosphere
  • latest technological equipment

Healthcare coordinator


Our growing team is short of a clever coordinator who’s not afraid of taking on new tasks and would like to join our team.

What we expect
  • openness and a proactive approach to work duties
  • consistency at work
  • flexibility in meeting work duties
  • regard and respect for patients
What we offer
  • systematic training with intensive support during the trial period
  • space for self-realisation in improving system setting (willingness of the management to accept new ideas)
  • pro-client corporate culture, friendly atmosphere


Different things suit different people. We don’t see employee benefits as something that every company must have. This is why with each employee we try to find the system of financial and non-financial rewards that best suits them and that they deserve. In our company, employees can enjoy:

Financial benefits
  • motivating salary
  • care programme for employees and their family members within the services offered by our clinic and partner companies
Non-financial benefits
  • thorough adaptation plan and mentoring for new employees
  • support for participating in training activities within Slovakia and abroad
  • openness and intensive support for our employees’ professional growth
  • adequate workload, focused more on the quality of the provided services than on quantity

Additional Info

  • class: klinika
  • sdo_type: VideoObject
  • sdo_name: Title of ...
  • sdo_description: Description of ..
  • sdo_duration: PT1M33S
  • sdo_contentUrl: http://www.example.com/video123.flv
  • sdo_embedUrl: http://www.example.com/videoplayer.swf?video=123
  • sdo_interactionCount: 1

Contact form



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