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MUDr. Peter Žiak, PhD.

MUDr. Peter Žiak, PhD.

Medical director of the UVEA Mediklinik Specialised Eye Clinic

MUDr. Peter Žiak, PhD.

The medical director, MUDr. Peter Žiak, PhD. Is a graduate of the Jessenius Faculty of Medicine of Comenius University in Martin.

He also works as the head of the Eye Clinic of the University Hospital in Martin, where he has been working since completing his studies in 1989.

Thanks to his broad view and experience, he can offer patients the best in modern ophthalmology.

Dr Žiak is one of the specialists who have made an essential contribution to safe and effective eye surgery in Slovakia. He specialises in laser and intraocular operations, as well as cataract operations using artificial intraocular lenses.

As early as in 1995, under the leadership of Prof. Izák and his very good friend Dr. Nikel, he began to perform excimer laser surgery.

He also writes about interesting facts from the world of ophthalmology and research on his SME blog..

MUDr. Rastislav Vida
There is no doubt that Peter is a world-class ophthalmologist. He loves challenges and likes looking for new solutions, which is why he doesn’t refuse patients even with rare eye diseases.MUDr. Rastislav Vida
MUDr. Rastislav VidaThere is no doubt that Peter is a world-class ophthalmologist. He loves challenges and likes looking for new solutions, which is why he doesn’t refuse patients even with rare eye diseases.MUDr. Rastislav Vida

Additional Info

  • class: klinika
  • sdo_type: VideoObject
  • sdo_name: Title of ...
  • sdo_description: Description of ..
  • sdo_duration: PT1M33S
  • sdo_contentUrl: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=83AwRr6PFdQ?src=content
  • sdo_embedUrl: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=83AwRr6PFdQ?src=embet
  • sdo_interactionCount: 1


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